Blue and red berry plant design with green leaves and a white outline
Two red leaf designs with white outlines

flower form

Get Started

Red leaf design with a white outline
Blue flower design with pink and green leaves
Red and pink circular flower design


Flower form embodies the concepts of accessibility, environmental sustainability and inclusivity.

We aim to make hair care inclusive to everyone, including tactile indicators and unique graphic design that everyone can enjoy.

We offer reusable, custom-made shampoo and conditioner bottles that have the visually impaired community’s needs in mind.

Purple, red and pink flower design with dark and light green leaves



Flower Form dark blue tactile shampoo bottle rendering with braille, graphic design embossing and an NFC tag

A visually accessible and reusable shampoo bottle that features straight lines, rememberable by the letter “s” at the start of both words.


Flower Form white tactile conditioner bottle rendering with braille, graphic design embossing and an NFC tag

A visually accessible and reusable conditioner bottle that features circular lines, rememberable by the letter “c” at the start of both words.

Red, orange and yellow flower design with four main petals
Red and orange grape design with a bright green vine
Three red flower designs with joined stems and leaves



CNC Wood Prototype Creation

Designs are initially created in CAD/CAM software, after which they are sent to a CNC machine which precisely cuts a wood block to the specified design.

CNC Machine milling a block of wood


Mould Creation with Vacuum Forming

The edges of the wood design are sanded down, after which the design is placed in the vacuum former and a polystyrene sheet is melted on it to fit tightly.

Flower Form white plastic shampoo moulds, front and back


Casting, Labels and NFC Tags

To obtain a physical representation of the design, plaster of Paris is poured into the mould and is left to set for several days. Labels and NFC tags are then glued onto the sanded-down final product.

Plaster cast of a Flower Form shampoo bottle with an NFC tag on the side and a blue label on the front


Industrial Processes

The final prototype will be promptly presented to companies, who can invest in the product and provide industrial process tools such as blow moulding to complete the final product design.

Blow moulding process stages
Green and purple plant design with dark and light green leaves
Design of an orange with a green stem and leaf


Industry Specialist

“Flower Form contains extensive physical prototyping that displays the student’s excellent skills in being able to integrate web development, graphic design and product development.”

Low-Vision User

“I am very appreciative that someone like you is working for the vision impediment people. My future would be brighter! Thank you, and all the best!”

Software Developer

“The Flower Form webpage experience contains modern workings of object-oriented JavaScript, combined with captivating graphic designs that entice the user!”